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December 24, 2021

Home Water Conservation Tips

Home Water Conservation Tips

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since our plants and animals evolved to adapt to the harsh climate conditions that have moulded Australia into the country it is today. As beneficiaries who lease life and prosperity from natural environments, our footprint effects have never been more vital.

The demand for water in Australia is rapidly increasing. Already one of the world's thirstiest countries, per capita water usage averages 100,000 litres per person, and its population is expected to grow by 40% in the next thirty years. This is significant because the average Australian consumes 340 litres of water every day. Outdoor use accounts for over half of household consumption, with car washing, hosing roads, and running garden sprinklers consuming around 1,000 litres each hour. While many Australians are becoming more aware of the importance of conserving water, Sydney has reduced its average daily use by 200 litres per person since 1990; still, additional water conservation is required to avoid future water shortages.

For the time being, Australia has enough freshwater to meet its demands, but the unpredictable nature of its rainfall, the unpredictability of climate change, and the challenges of providing rapidly developing cities and isolated rural communities pose issues. Over the next ten years, river flows are predicted to fall by 10% to 25%, putting extra strain on Australia's water supplies as the population grows. Australia must continue to adapt in order to retain its water security.


So, if you're conscious about our future, let's take a look at some of the ways we can all help.

Tips By Household Sector

In the Bathroom

  • Instead of taking a bath, take short showers.
  • Turn off the water in the shower to brush your teeth, shave, and soap up. To shave, partially fill the sink with water.
  • Repair leaky toilets.
  • Replace single-flush toilets with dual-flush toilets, and make sure all showers, tubs, and hand basins are property water limited and aerated.



  • Run full loads of laundry.
  • When buying a new washing machine, look for one that saves water and can be adjusted to the load size.


Around the Kitchen

  • Install WELS-rated tap water restrictor aerators and make sure they're functional for correct flowrates.
  • When washing and rinsing dishes, fill your sink or basin partially.
  • Run the dishwasher when it's nearly full.
  • Instead of washing veggies under running water, peel and rinse them in a large bowl of water.
  • Use the garbage disposal only when absolutely essential (composting is a great substitute).
  • When purchasing a dishwasher, look for one that has a "eco-wash" setting.



  • Install a rainwater tank with gravity feed capabilities if possible.
  • Only water the lawn when it is absolutely required. If you have to water your lawn and garden, do it only once a week if rain isn't enough. Watering should be avoided on windy and hot days. To maximise the amount of water that reaches the plant roots, water the lawn and garden early in the morning or late in the evening (otherwise most of the water will evaporate). Water gardens and flower beds with soaker hoses. If sprinklers are utilised, be sure they do not water walkways or structures. Put down no more than 1 inch of water per week (lay out empty cans to see how long it takes to water 1 inch). More robust, deep grass roots will be encouraged by this irrigation plan. Overwatering is wasteful, so don't do it.
  • Make the most of natural greenery and keep lawns to a minimum. Ask your local nursery for recommendations for low-water-demanding plants and grasses for areas of your property where a lawn and landscaping are desirable (such as creeping fescue). Plant more trees, shrubs, and ground coverings instead of grass. Shrubs and ground coverings give year-round greenery while requiring less water. In flower beds, use native plants. Native plants have adapted to Australia’s dry climate and frequently provide suitable wildlife habitat. To save time and water, group plants that require special attention together.
  • Mulch shrubs and flower beds to reduce evaporation, encourage plant growth, and keep weeds at bay.
  • To improve soil conditions and water retention, add compost or organic matter as needed.
  • Pre rinse when washing cars with pressure blasters ensuring that the thorough clean is performed by means of bucket hand washing.
  • Rather than hosing off walkways, driveways, decks, and porches, use a broom to clean them.
  • Spend time hand-watering gardens to ensure that water is directed to root systems rather than folage.
  • Ensure all hose taps isolate
  • Have your irrigation system serviced and inspected for leaks.
  • Set your mower blades to 2-3 inches high when mowing your lawn. Longer grass shadows the soil, which helps to retain moisture, and has more leaf surface area to absorb sunlight, helping it to grow thicker and have a deeper root system. This allows grass to withstand drought, insect damage, and disease.


At The Pied Plumber, we recognise that knowing how to reduce your water costs in Sydney can go a long way towards assisting families in managing their budgets in difficult economic times.

Do not be concerned! Installing water-efficient appliances and fixtures, as well as ensuring that leaks are identified and repaired promptly, are all strategies to lower your water bills. These steps will not only save you money on your water bills, but will also help you conserve water.